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Viatel Amiens

Data Center
Viatel Amiens
Viatel Amiens
ZAC etouvie

Viatel Amiens Data Center Details

Viatel Amiens is a data center in Paris. It is operated by Viatel Amiens. We do not yet have the details of what services are available at Viatel Amiens. If you need to know if Viatel Amiens is carrier-neutral, or if you need services such as remote hands or rack-mounted cages, we recommend you contact the data center's staff directly.

Data Centers Near Viatel Amiens

Name Building Area Distance City, Zip
Metroptics Datacenter 1,615sq ft 3 mi Amiens, 80000
Somme-numerique DC1 - 3 mi Amiens, 80000

Average Business Internet Speeds Near Viatel Amiens

Frequently Asked Questions About Viatel Amiens

Who operates the Viatel Amiens data center?

The Viatel Amiens facility is operated by Viatel Amiens.

How can I find Viatel Amiens?

Viatel Amiens is in Paris, France, and their full address is: ZAC etouvie, Amiens, 80000, France.

What services are available at Viatel Amiens?

We are still looking into services provided by Viatel Amiens and will shortly describe their rack sizes, remote hands support, and other services they offer.

Last updated: May 17 2023